Phone directory of Nakhodka (Russia) - free white pages lookup
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See also: телефонный справочник Приморского края
телефонные коды Приморского края
мобильные коды Приморского края
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About City
Nakhodka is a city and port in Primorski Territory Russia, railway station of the Trans-Siberian highway. The largest (with the account of East port) transport knot of the Far East of Russia. It is located on coast of a bay the Find of a gulf America of sea of Japan of Pacific ocean. The port harbour is well protected from sea waves from an East side of a gulf by peninsula Difficult, from a West side — island Fox. To the north from a city there are well-known hills the Brother and Sister. The city estimated population exceeds 168 thousands people, and with a area of 361 square kilometers. There is 6-digits phone numbers. For call in Nakhodka, dial +7(423) 6XX-XX-XX. Details