Phone directory of Ekaterinburg (Russia) - free white pages lookup
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See also: телефонный справочник Свердловской области
телефонные коды Свердловской области
мобильные коды Свердловской области
Почтовые индексы Екатеринбурга
About City
Ekaterinburg is the large transport and logistical knot on the Trans-Siberian railway, the important industrial centre (metallurgy, light industry, food industry, polygraphic industry, heavy mechanical engineering, military and chemical industry). Also the city is the largest cultural and educational centre of Ural Region. The city estimated population exceeds 1315,1 thousands people, and with a area of 490 square kilometers. There is 7-digits phone numbers. For call in Ekaterinburg, dial +7(343) XXX-XX-XX. Details