Phone directory of Nikolaevsk-on-Amur (Russia) - free white pages lookup
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See also: телефонный справочник Хабаровского края
телефонные коды Хабаровского края
мобильные коды Хабаровского края
Почтовые индексы Николаевска-на-Амуре
About City
Nikolaevsk-na-Amure is a city to Russia, an administrative centre of the Nikolaev area of Khabarovsk territory. Industrial and cultural centre of Priamurie. Port on the Amur, the airport. The city estimated population exceeds 25,4 thousands people. There is 5-digits phone numbers. For call in Nikolaevsk-na-Amure, dial +7(421) 35X-XX-XX. Details