Phone directory of Chernigov (Ukraine) - free white pages lookup
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See also: телефонные справочники Черниговской области,
телефонные коды Черниговской области
About City
Chernigov is an Old Slavic city, the regional center of the Chernigov area of Ukraine, an administrative center of the Chernigov area. For the first time it is mentioned in annals under 907. In 1654 was a part of the Russia. Since 1801 Chernigov became a provincial city formed then to the Chernigov province. The city estimated population exceeds 299,6 thousands people, and with a area of 79,0 square kilometers. There is 5-digits phone numbers. For call in Chernigov, dial +380(46) 22X-XX-XX. Details