Phone directory of Kazan (Russia) - free white pages lookup
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See also: телефонный справочник Республики Татарстан
телефонные коды Республики Татарстан
мобильные коды Республики Татарстан
About City
Kazan is the capital of Tatarstan Republic, large port on the left shore of Volga. One of the largest economic, political, scientific and cultural centres of Russia. In a city economy are occupied by 565 thousand persons, the average wages make 16500 roubles per month. For 2008 industrial output total amount have made 23 billion roubles, a turn of retail trade — 209 billion roubles, the investment into a fixed capital — 105,8 billion roubles. In a city there are headquarters of 4 enterprises entering in top-500 of the companies of Russia on capitalisation, including: TAIF, Tatenergo, Kazanorgsintez, Transtehservis. The city estimated population exceeds 1121 thousands people, and with a area of 425 square kilometers. There is 7-digits phone numbers. For call in Kazan, dial +7(843) XXX-XX-XX. Details