Phone directory of Ostrov (Russia) - free white pages lookup
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See also: телефонный справочник Псковской области
телефонные коды Псковской области
мобильные коды Псковской области
About City
Ostrov is a city in the Pskov area, area Ostrovsky's administrative centre. The city is located on the river Great (runs into lake Pskov), in 55 km from Pskov. The island has been based as a fortress in 1341. A city with 1777. The former district city of the Pskov province. In several kilometres from Island, on the bank of lake Pea, settles down ski and biathlon centre "Yunost". The city estimated population exceeds 23,9 thousands people. There is 5-digits phone numbers. For call in Ostrov, dial +7(811) 52X-XX-XX. Details