Phone directory of Krivoy Rog (Ukraine) - free white pages lookup
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See also: телефонные справочники Днепропетровской области,
телефонные коды Днепропетровской области
About City
Krivoy Rog is a city in the Dnepropetrovsk oblast of Ukraine, an administrative center of Krivorozhsky area. The city is the cultural center of oblast. Here the metallurgical industrial complex of Open Society «ArselorMittal Krivoi Rog» is located. In a city operates so called metrotram - an underground tram. The city estimated population exceeds 684,7 thousands people, and with a area of 430 square kilometers. There is 6-digits phone numbers. For call in Krivoy Rog, dial +380(56) 4XX-XX-XX. Details