Phone directory of Kherson (Ukraine) - free white pages lookup
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See also: телефонные справочники Херсонской области,
телефонные коды Херсонской области
About City
Kherson is the regional center in the south of Ukraine, the administrative, industrial and cultural center of the Kherson area. River port sea and largest on Dnepr. It is located on the right coast of Dnepr. The large railway junction (lines to Nikolaev, Snigiryovku, Jankoi), the Kherson sea trading port and river port, also is railway, river and road service stations. The important economic centre of the south of Ukraine. Kherson is the center of one of the greatest agglomerations in Ukraine. Except Kherson the agglomeration structure includes Naked Landing stage, Tsjurupinsk; Антоновка, Stepanovka, Kamyshany, Zelenovka, Naddneprjansky, Chernobaevka, Belozyorka. Kherson has the city-companion of Tsjurupinsk. The city estimated population exceeds 350,7 thousands people, and with a area of 92,5 square kilometers. There is 6-digits phone numbers. For call in Kherson, dial +380(55) 2XX-XX-XX. Details