Phone directory of Novosibirsk (Russia) - free white pages lookup
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See also: телефонный справочник Новосибирской области
телефонные коды Новосибирской области
мобильные коды Новосибирской области
About City
Novosibirsk is the third city on the population in Russia (after Moscow and St.-Petersburg), an administrative centre of the Novosibirsk region and the Siberian federal district, large scientific, cultural, industrial, transport and a business centre. The city is located on the Priob plateau, near to a water basin formed by a dam of Novosibirsk Hydroelectric Power Plant. Novosibirsk is large industrial centre. A basis of an industrial complex make 194 large and average industrial enterprises. Industry key economic branches are the mechanical engineering, electric power industry, metallurgy and the food-processing industry, on their share 86,4 % of all industrial production of a city are necessary. The city estimated population exceeds 1391 thousands people, and with a area of 503 square kilometers. There is 7-digits phone numbers. For call in Novosibirsk, dial +7(383) XXX-XX-XX. Details