Phone directory of Cheboksary (Russia) - free white pages lookup
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See also: телефонный справочник Республики Чувашия
телефонные коды Республики Чувашия
мобильные коды Республики Чувашия
About City
Cheboksary — capital of the Chuvash Republic, an architectural monument of Russia; the administrative, industrial and cultural centre of the Chuvash Republic. The city economy is characterised, first of all, by the developed industry. Leading branches: energy equipment, mechanical engineering and the food-processing industry. In Cheboksary are concentrated two thirds of industrial enterprises of the Chuvash Republic. On a share of the enterprises and the organisations of the city of Cheboksary 63,0 % from industrial production total amount on the Chuvash Republic are necessary. Key industries of the industry of a city are the mechanical engineering and metal working (59,2 % of release of an industrial output), electric power industry (9,8 %), food (13,4 %) and easy (9,0 %) the industries. The city estimated population exceeds 442 thousands people, and with a area of 233 square kilometers. There is 6-digits phone numbers. For call in Cheboksary, dial +7(835) 2XX-XX-XX. Details