Phone directory of Moscow (Russia) - free white pages lookup
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See also: White Pages of Moscow (+7 499),
White Pages of Moscow oblast,
Phone Area Codes of Moscow oblast,
Changed phone numbers in Moscow
About City
Moscow — capital of the Russian Federation, city of federal value, administrative centre of the Central federal district and Moscow Region (into which structure does not enter). Moscow is largest city in Russia and Europe, the major transport knot, and also political, economic, cultural and a country centre of science. The city is served by the international airports Vnukovo, Domodedovo, the Sheremetyevo, and also airport Bykovo, 9 railway stations, 3 river ports (there are exits to the seas of pools of the Atlantic and Arctic oceans). There is subway since 1935. The city estimated population exceeds 10,5 million people, and with a area of 1081 square kilometers. There is two 7-digits area codes (495 and 495). For call in Moscow, dial +7(495) XXX-XX-XX. Details