Phone directory of Cherepovetch (Russia) - free white pages lookup
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See also: White Pages of Vologda oblast
Phone Area Codes of Vologda oblast
About City
Cherepovetch — the largest city of the Vologda area. The basis of economic potential of Cherepovets is made by the enterprises of ferrous metallurgy and a chemical complex. City leading enterprises are Open Society "Severstal", the Cherepovets steel-rolling factory of Open Company "Severstal-hardware", Open Society "Аммофос", Open Society "Cherepovets" Nitrogen »». Also in a city the enterprises a tree - and metal working, food and light industry, a building complex operate. Besides, in Cherepovets is more than 1500 small and average enterprises. The city estimated population exceeds 309 thousands people, and with a area of 121 square kilometers. There is 6-digits phone numbers. For call in Cherepovetch, dial +7(820) 2XX-XX-XX. Details