Phone directory of Berezhany (Ternopolskaya oblast), sorted by street names
Phone directory, sorted by street names — is a phone directory where showed list of streets names in current city. If you select one street name, you can see list of persons, who live on this street. If you select one of listed people, you can see full information about this person (such as phone number, name and address). Sometimes it is very useful to find out phone numbers of your neighbours or people, who live not far from you.
List of streets in the Berezhany city:
8 Bereznya Vul. Adamіvska Vul. Akademіchna Vul. Baznikіvka Banderi S. Vul. Bankova Vul. Baranіvka Bezdіlnogo Vul. Bezіmenna Vul. Bіshche Boguna І. Vul. Bozhikіv Boyana Vul. Braїlka Vul. Valova Vul. Vatutіna Vul. Verbіv Verkhnya Vul. Vіyskova Ats Vіlkhіvets Vіlkhovetska Vul. Vіrmenska Vul. Volitsya Voloshchina Vonsovichіvka Gagarіna Yu. Vul. Gayova Vul. Gayok Galana Vul. Galitskogo D. Vul. Ginovichі Gіmnazіyna Vul. Gliniska Vul. Gogolya Vul. Gorkogo Vul. Grushevskogo M. Vul. Gutisko Demnya Deputatska Vul. Dzherelna Vul. Dіbrova Dovga Vul. Dovzhenka O. Vul. Druzhbi Vul. Zhovnіvka Zhukіv Zagorodi Vul. Zalіssya Zaluzhzhya Zamkova Vul. Zamost Zarayskiy Potіk Zarіchna Vul. Zakharka Zakhіdna Vul. Zbіchna Vul. Zelena Vul. Zluki Vul. Zolochіvska Vul. Zoryana Vul. Karmelyuka Vul. Kvіtkove Kobilyanskoї O. Vul. Kovpaka S. Vul. Kovshevicha Vul. Kozatska Vul. Komarіvka Komarova Vul. Kopernіka Vul. Kornіychuka Vul. Korolova S. Vul. Kostelna Vul. Kotіv Kotlyarevskogo І. Vul. Kotovskogo Vul. Kotsyubinskogo Vul. Koshova Vul. Krivonosa M. Vul. Kruta Vul. Krushelnitskoї S. Vul. Kulebi Kulchitskoї O. Vul. Kuropatniki Kurchatova Vul. Kuryani Kuti Kushnіra Vul. Lapshin Lepkikh Vul. Lesі Ukraїnki Vul. Lisenka M. Vul. Lіtyatin Lvіvska Vul. Mazepi І. Vul. Makarenka Vul. Makoveya O. Vul. Malishka Vul. Matrosova O. Vul. Medova Vul. Mechishchіv Mechnіkova Vul. Milіvtsі Mirnogo P. Vul. Miru Vul. Mіtskevicha A. Vul. Mіchurіna Vul. Molodіzhna Vul. Molokhіv Monastirskogo A. Vul. Naberezhna Vul. Nadorozhnіv Nadrіchne Naraїv Nakhіmova Vul. Nechuy-Levitskogo Vul. Nova Greblya Orlika P. Vul. Pavlіv Pirogova Vul. Pisarіvka Pіdvisoke Pіdgіrna Vul. Pіdkova Vul. Pіdlіsna Vul. Pіdlіsne Plіkhіv Povstanska Vul. Polova Vul. Poruchin Posukhіv Potutori Privokzalna Vul. Pushkіna Vul. Raїvska Vul. Rekshin Repіna Vul. Ribniki Rilskogo Vul. Rinok Pl. Rogatinska Vul. Rogachin Rurisko Vul. Ruska Vul. Sagaydachnogo P. Vul. Sadova Vul. Saranchuki Sіchovikh Strіltsіv Vul. Slovyatin Sonyachna Vul. Stare Mіsto Starukhіv Rodini Vul. Stefanika Vul. Storozhenka Vul. Strigantsі Tverdokhlіba Vul. Telmana Vul. Tepla Vul. Ternopіlska Vul. Tikha Vul. Tichini P. Vul. Trostyanets Turgenєva Vul. Urman Franka І. Vul. Khatki Khmelnitskogo B. Vul. Tsegelna Vul. Chaykovskogo Vul. Chvertі Chervona Vul. Chornovola V. Vul. Chotirinastіvka Shaybіvka Shashkevicha M. Vul. Shevchenka T. Vul. Shepeta Vul. Sheptitskogo Vul. Shibalin
Other phone directories of Berezhany (Ternopolskaya oblast):
- Phone directory of Berezhany (by custom parameters)
- Phone directory of Berezhany, sorted by phone numbers (view by phone numbers)
- Phone directory of Berezhany, sorted by lastnames (view by lastnames)
Same phone directories of another cities Ukraine: